Unravelling the Subjugated Stories caused by Family Trauma

Unravelling Subjugated Stories in Family Trauma

Within the intricacies of family life, lie untold stories that echo across generations – stories born out of historical events silently shaping the lives of those who come after. This blog explores the phenomenon of subjugated stories within families, where the intensity of pain from experiences like traumatic loss, abuse, or neglect prompts subconscious negotiations. These negotiations, while allowing survival, leave an enduring mark on the next generation, impacting their coping mechanisms, emotional expression, and mental well-being.

The experience of trauma within a family, often forces them into a subconscious negotiation, a delicate dance around the distress that threatens to shatter the family structure. Take, for example, a tragic loss. Faced with grief too intense to bear, families may instinctively bury or avoid their emotions as a way of coping.

The unspoken rule emerges that emotions are to be suppressed. The next generation, growing up in this environment, may be shut down, or the environment is not one where they can freely express themselves as they are met with a sense of disapproval.

Subtly they may be absorbing lessons that expressing emotions is a sign of weakness, and subsequently avoidance becomes the norm, or worse, the family interprets their expressed emotions as extreme, or somehow abnormal. They are now the problem.

The impact of subjugated stories extends beyond emotional expression. Families develop coping mechanisms to survive, often unconsciously passing them down through generations.

Many individuals grapple with stress, anxiety, or frustration as a response but often without fully knowing their origin, or why they act in that way. The source of these struggles may not lie within their own experiences but could be traced back to the traumas and subsequent coping strategies adopted by previous generations. Identifying this link can be helpful in understanding an individual’s mental health issues and support them to let go of the distress that, ultimately is not theirs.

Subjugated stories within families are not mere whispers of the past; they are powerful forces shaping the present and future. By understanding the subtle but profound impact of intergenerational trauma, we pave the way for healing and resilience. Breaking free from the cycle requires compassion, open dialogue, and a commitment to rewriting the narrative. In doing so, we empower ourselves and the generations that follow to confront the silent inheritance of subjugated stories and foster a legacy of emotional well-being and understanding.



Pain in life is unavoidable, however the pain we create avoiding pain, is avoidable.


Its mental health, (but not as we know it!)